This has been a busy weekend already and we still have today to get through, Friday evening I changed clothes when I got in from work and we hauled some dirt (6 loads from the house they are building next door) and filled in some low spots in the front yard. We finished at 8 and then I fixed dinner and cleaned the kitchen. Finalized plans for Saturday and called it a day.

Yesterday was a very full day... We left going to Slogohachie (near Morrilton) to my Uncle Roy's. I had asked him to build me a swing for my front porch right after we decided to have the house built. I already had the frame, from another one I had bought that the birds tore a hole in the cushion and pulled the stuffing out to line their nests with ( I saw them doing this). He called me about 2 weeks ago and said he almost had it completed. I was so excited.. Then on Tuesday of this week he called and said it was finished. When Larry came in this week, I asked him if we could go get it this weekend. So here is my Porch swing, built out of Love from my Uncle. I just LOVE IT!!!!! Thanks Uncle ROY!!!!! We had a WONDERFUL Visit. Larry and I got to see their home. It is just BEAUTIFUL. All the cedar trim and the cedar cabinets in the Kitchen. That is AWESOME!!!! I also came home with some black berry bush trimmings to try to root. I am going to try to grow some next year. I also got the name of the ones that he plants (in case my rooting does not work). I took a really close look at his Skepanon arbor that he has. I may try them as well. There were some ripe ones that he picked for me. They are so good!!!!!!!!!!
Then the 2 hour drive back home. Once we got home, we got the swing frame on the front porch the swing put in it, adjusted where it was comfortable to me.

Then on to the next project. The handle for the CHURN!!!! Larry had found an old handle that came off some tool, not sure which one, but apparently it was no longer needed on that, because it was in a can with extra screws, bolts, nails, etc... SO it got modified to fit the churn. Worked our perfectly. Larry even made it recessed in the end for the end of the bolt that went through it. I LOVE IT.. Here is my churn, Tom's Jar (that my daddy got when he worked for Tom's when I was a little girl), and a Seyfert's Butter Pretzel jar we found while Junk Shopping last weekend, sitting on top of my Grandmothers kitchen cabinet with the flour bin, that I have (Thanks Damon). Now on to search for another Treasure that we just can't live without. We are still wanting a Dasher Churn ( mom and dad have one they said we can have, haven't told Larry yet, it will be a surprise, once I can bring myself to bring it home) and an old Milk Can.. We may try and talk his sister out of her Milk Can...
Then we began bringing in my Scrapbook stuff to get it organized in the house. Weather will be getting cooler soon and it will be time to catch up on some of that. I am WAY behind, I have not done any since we decided to build and move, that is one of the first things that got packed up, and that was a year ago. So I have alot to catch up on, as it has been a busy year. But in time, I will get it all caught up..

Here is another treasure that we have put together. This is a lamp that my mother had in a yard sale (not sure where it originally came from, will have to find out) that did not sell, The white close to the bottom of the lamp is onyx. The lamp was kind of a gold and country blue, we took it all apart and painted it all black, redid some of the wiring in it and then my SIL (Larry's sister) made this lampshade for me. It is the done with all the braid and beaded fringe. She used the embroidered pieces from the fabric I had left over from the shears that we put on the dining room windows. You can see more detail on the lampshade below. She has made 4 lampshades for me like this. She made 2 in Rose and Burgandy for the bedroom lamps and then in the living room we have Larry's mothers old floor lamp that she made one for in Peach. She makes

these all the time.
I think every lamp in her's and 2 of her sisters houses have this type lampshade. I have some in my living room that were made for me that are coming apart. When I have to replace them this will probably be the type I replace them with.
Well time to close this post. I have to do some laundry to get ready for the work week. This will be a short week. I am off on Thursday and Friday. Larry is working in New Orleans area this week, so I am flying (free ticket, free hotel room) down for the weekend. I want to spend sometime in Jackson Square, the french market and the river walk listening to the calliopes on the river boats.
until next time. have a wonderful, safe day!!!
Nancy like me, most everything in your home has a story. I do not buy for the sake of buying, I want a history behind each piece.
I Love Love the swing but I can see someone else we know (Sheri) calling Uncle Roy and saying Uncle Roy can you build me a porch swing? LOL No she wont do it she hates assuming but she will secretly hope. Beautiful lamps, swing and home. CONGRATULATIONS.
Uncle Roy and I could not agree on the price of the swing. I asked Fay what he had charged on another one he built for someone else (not family) and I paid him based on that. I told him there is no way I could afford to pay him what it was WORTH TO ME!!!!!!! I found out the lamp belonged to Grandma, she had bought it at a yard sale and when mom and dad moved to Oak Grove Circle (a-frame house), mom mentioned she needed a lamp for a corner and grandma gave her that one. So there is another family heirloom in my home.
OK I give up, What is a Skepanon? I have never heard of it and Ken and Kris asked too.
A skepanon, is like a muscadine, only it is green/yellow and sweeter. It makes some AWESOME jelly..
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