Wednesday, October 8, 2008

~Before and Middle~

This is the 1948 FarmAll tractor that we bought Aug. 3 (20th Anniversary of mine and Larry's first Date). We have spent most weekends taking apart, sanding, priming and painting on this.
This is how far we have gotten. We are slowly but surely getting there. Just wish we could have found RED paint!! Hahahaha I think this is going to be RED! So far we have gone through 9 cans of primer and 7 cans of Regal Red paint. We have plastic bags over the front tires, because they are finished and I did not want to get red overspray all over them. Larry laughed at me for doing that, then he saw how much red paint would have been on there had I not done that. We are having alot of fun doing this. We planned to work on this all day this past Saturday, but it rained. You can't paint in the rain, it will not dry. Bummer... Oh well there will be next weekend..

Instead we unpacked some of my teddy bears and got them put in 2 of the 3 cabinets. Not sure where we are putting the 3rd cabinet yet, so it is still in storage.. Everyone kept asking what I was going to put in the cabinets that have been in the house for about 3-4 months, now when they come back, they will be full.. Larry and I have collected these bears from places that we have been, some of them were his nieces (she died of Cystic Fibrosis 4 months after he and I married), her mother gave them to me after Pam died. SO those I will treasure forever. I have some that my boys and my little girls have given me. Buck, Mandy and the girls bought me the 911 commorative bears from the United Way when Rocky was in Iraq. Rocky and Deanna bought me It's a Girl Ty Bear when we found out we were having Kelsey, I have a Yellow Jacket Bear that Bruce gave me when he was playing football. So there are so many bears and each one has a story. More about Bears later.. Now I must go get 3 girls bathed and ready for bed.

Nite all.. May God Richly Bless each of you...

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