Larry and I bought and halfway re-built a wooden trailer to pull behind the tractors for a Hayride... Can't wait to get it painted (if it EVER quits RAINING). It too will be RED.. "If it ain't Red, leave it in the Shed"
We had Easter egg hunt and Strawberry shortcake at mom's, the Sunday after Easter (it was RAINING on Easter)... It also rained the morning we had it, but it quit and cleared off, mom and dad's yard drains really well, so we were able to hide about 100 eggs for the kids to hunt.. Strawberry short cake was wonderful, we also had stuff to make banana splits or ice cream sundae's for whomever prefered them.. We all sat outside on the patio and had a WONDERFUL visit. We just do not do nearly enough of that.. Mom had made dressing and we were sitting there talking and Buck said he had to go have more of that, he did not get to eat Mamaw's cooking nearly enough anymore..
The following Sunday, I took the girls to Disney on Ice - Mickey and Minnie's Memories.. It was Great. I think they really enjoyed it and I know I did. I sure like having little ones, I can use and an excuse to go see things like that. A girl that works with Deanna, got the tickets FREE for me. No, I did not get out of there without dropping a small fortune. I treated the girls to McDonald's for lunch (their choice, not mine), then I paid $10.00 to park,, Then I bought them a SnoCone in a Stitch (Lilo & Stitch), mug that cost me $10.00 EACH... Then I ended up eating 2 of the snocones, because they did not like them.. YES it was well worth it... Then we stopped and got a snack on the way home... I really enjoyed the afternoon...
The first weekend in May, Larry and I took a road trip to pick up a couple of Wheel Horses. If you have not heard of them

Sunday was Mother's Day, I had gotten mom a Red Leaf Japanese Maple while I was in Hot Springs.. I had intended to take them to lunch, but I did not call them early enough. I was waiting till they got out of church, but did not know they get out earlier (I know I should have been there, but I was not), so they were almost in Little Rock when I called. I will make it up to them.. Pam and Tony had been over on Saturday nite, James called on Sunday, he is in Texarkana working now. I did go over and spend some time after they got back from LR..
If the weather clears some, Larry and I are taking mom and dad with us to a Tractor show, parade, races, etc... this weekend in Nashville AR.. That will be a fun trip.. I am anxious to go. On the way we are going to discuss and start planning our trip later this year. We are trying to go to the Redwoods, Larry has never seen them and it has been YEARS since I have.. Would love to see them again.. Planning to take mom and dad with us.. It is our turn to do for them..
Well, I think I have caught up. Will try to post more often, just right now is BUSY BUSY time.. Trying to close out the year at work and help on the Reunion coming up in 2 WEEKS... Right now I feel like the little engine that COULD,, I think I can, I think I can,,, etc.... I can do this...
LOVE and BLESSINGS to ALL!!!!!!!!
1 comment:
Yes I knew the STate had you busy. Bet you will be glad to get a little rest, after we go home or is it later when you actually get a vacation and come out here.
Cant wait, will still be nice in September, we can still swim.
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