Wednesday, June 17, 2009

~I am not OLD enough to have a "30" Year Old~

Yes, my first born son, is "30" Today. Happy Birthday Son,, I love you so much.. I remember the day you were born as if it were yesterday... It Was FATHERS Day,,, You made a new Father and 2 New Grand-Fathers on Fathers Day. What a special day that was.. Of course every day a Child is born is a SPECIAL DAY in my book, Children are a sign from God that the world must go on... I would hate to imagine my life without children. I am getting a taste of that right now. I have not been able to have girls nite in almost 4 weeks now and I am having withdrawals.. But soon, we will do it again... This pic was taken in Pigeon Forge on their vacation a couple of weeks ago.. Not a clue what Gabby is looking at.
You have grown to be a fine young man and yes, you are YOUNG... You are a WONDERFUL Father to those 2 beautiful girls. They are 2 of the lights of my life.. My lights just keep growin in numbers. It is amazing how your heart just keeps filling with love for each one, but takes none away from any of the others..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Buck, You are a great kid, (man)
Yes Nan isnt it amazing how love grows? Always room for one more.