Tuesday, March 24, 2009

~Catching Up~

Well, I have the Pavilion at the REC center reserved all day on Saturday, May 30th for the Family Reunion. Now to get addresses and get notices out. The pool will be open, there is handball, tennis courts, basketball courts (inside and outside), walking track, skateboard park, pool tables, playground and other sports available. Kevin and his brothers are trying to keep this date open so they can bring their stuff and we can have an old fashioned singing. As for food, I am thinking bring grills and grill hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken, what ever you want, then have chips dips, potato salads, cookie puddin and other side items and desserts, Any suggestions???

Well, now for what has been going on. Larry and I are hard at it again in the yard, we have put out 600 lbs of lime and 550 lbs of fertilizer (3 weeks apart). The grass is greening up more and more every day. I promise we thought we could hear it growing last weekend. It is supposed to storm here today, Thanks Sheri for sending it our way, We need some rain to soak the fertilize into the ground, just not the severe weather. We also set out 3 red buds that we dug up at mom and dad's, thanks, then we dug up 2 dogwoods in the woods and set them in the yard. Everytime the dogwoods bloom I think of my Grandma McLemore. She always wanted to come to Arkansas to see the dogwoods in bloom, kinda ironic, that when she passed away, the dogwoods were in full bloom. I remember that morning mom and dad left for CA, then that night I got a call they had an accident in Tucumcary NM and mom and Pam were in the hospital. That was scary, I felt so helpless, but I stayed home as dad had asked me to, he had all he could handle there and did not need the worry of me being on my way there. Then again, I had 3 little ones. That was a bad year all the way around, that Dec., Mike and I separated, but I won't go into all that..

The woods in AR are so pretty in the spring, with all the dogwoods and red buds in bloom. I just love to drive down all the back roads and look at all the blooms. Larry and I did that some on Saturday, only we were also looking for small dogwoods that we could dig up and plant in the yard. I was supposed to see about getting top soil hauled this week, but with the rain, that would be a waste of time and money, so I will wait on that.. We did get out the roses, actually Rocky and I did that on Wednesday, then Larry and I put the landscape blocks around them on Friday evening, then the weed barrier and the mulch. Then Saturday up early and put out fertilize and trees. It was a full day and we hurt that evening. We kept making the mistake of stopping and sitting for a little bit, then the getting up part was murder. It will get better, just in time to do it all over again this weekend..

Well all for now. I have a cake in the oven. Gotta go check that then work on mom and dad's taxes..
Later ALL.

Mark your calender for the Reunion..


Anonymous said...

OH Nancy, did you know the deer love LOVE roses? I think they love all greenplants. I know Marie has tried numerous plantings but when she lived in Yreka she could have nothing. One day they saw a rabbit carrying off a bush they had just planted. Just get a big dog to chase them away is the only way, I guess.

Nana said...

I know, They do not bother the ones right up here at the house, nor the Hostas. I guess I will just have to take my chances. I do love Roses. We moved 7 last year and lost 2 of them. One of them being the long stem that Pam had bought Larry for his birthday one year. Oh well. We will replace it but it will not be the same..