I came in last evening from working on the little tractor and had 3 messages and 6 missed calls on my phone. I had had it with me out side earlier. Larry and I came in to eat lunch and I was talking to mom and laid it on the table and forgot to put it back in my pocket when we went back out.
The first Message was a this pic of her x-ray. She had broken her right arm, both bones close to her wrist.. They were at the mud races and all the girls (Cember, Gabby and Kelsey) were in the back of Buck and Mandy's jeep resting, Kelsey got too close to the edge and rolled out and tried to catch herself with her arm and snapped those bones. This was at about 5:00, I did not get the message until 7.. I was frantic.. I immediately called Rocky to see where they were and how she was doing. He said she was being a trooper, asking what is your name, what are you doing.... etc.. Just talking up a storm.. I told him I was getting a QUICK shower and I was on my way. I talked to Kelsey and told her Nana was coming.. I had to get the paint and rust off. quickest shower and shampoo, I think I have ever taken.. Did not even take time to dry my hair, or make up, just clothes and out the door.
At this time, they thought they may have to do surgery to get it back together, so they started an IV. Kelsey had tears in her eyes and realizing that both arms were immobilized, she was trying to use her knee to wipe the tears.. I was going to be there. About 5 minutes out of Benton, they decide Surgery is not necessary. She was laying there watching Nascar on the TV. They gave her something to kinda semi knock her out, then the doc came in and set it, Rocky said she cried about 15 seconds, while they put the tube bandage on, then when they started with the purple casting material, she started talking, I love that, it is so pretty.. WOW,,, so, by the time I got there they were ready to leave. When they came through the doors to leave, I was standing there and Kelsey wanted me... I am so sorry, I was not there for them and for her, From now on I will make sure my phone is on me at ALL times... But everything turned out OK. We went to Micky D's and got her a Happy Meal (with a boy toy, race car). That girl (well actually all 3 of them) are into that racing. I am attaching a pic of her in her purple case watching Nascar, Rocky is holding the mic close so she can hear better..
Thank God that she is OK and did not have to have Surgery...
I think Caylum was about 2 or 3 when he broke his jumping from bed to bed or bed to door. He healed just wonderful.
Little ones are breakable but have amazing resilance to bounce back.
Give her hugs from us.
Nancy: that brings back some pretty vivid memories. Seems that with time things work out. Nicole and I had some pretty special moments together back then and I will cherish the fact I took care of her. We got through that tough time together and I was so glad to be there for her.
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