Tuesday, January 5, 2010

~The Neatest Sign~

Here is what the boys gave Larry and I for Christmas... Most of you know we have gotten into restoring OLD tractors. We currently have 4 completed, 2 that we bought already restored and 3 that we are going to restore.. We absolutely LOVE doing them. We tear them down, clean off the grease and oil, sand, scrape, prime and paint them. It is alot of WORK and even more FUN... All of ours are RED.. after all Crops are Green, Tractors are RED... Mom and dad got Larry a t-shirt that says that. He loves it and I have been threatened with my life if I get caught wearing it, but the key word here is CAUGHT and we all know how much Larry is away from HOME!!! So the possiblities of getting caught are SLIM..... The boys also got us a Die Cast Farmall Model H tractor with the trailer. We love it, but Kelsey wants to take it out of the box and play with it. We got her mind off it and put it away, I think it will go in the Big Pout House with all the other Tractors. Can't wait till it is finished. They are decking the roof today.. Can't wait to get home and check it out..
Let me know what you think of the sign...

LOVE TO ALL and May God Richly Bless You this Year..


Anonymous said...

Are we to assume you are Rusty and He is Rustier? LOL
Love the sign.

Nana said...

No, SOme tractors we get are just Rusty and some are RUSTIER.... But I guess the other works too... Wait till you see my Milk Can Stools. They are going to be GREAT.... Love ya..