Sunday, November 22, 2009

~Spider Bite~

Don't ever get one of these. They really hurt and look disgustingly nasty... When I got out of the pool on Monday nite, I dried my leg and it stung kinda bad, then I noticed a red spot kinda like a mosquito bite. No biggy.. Tuesday morning it was about the size of a silver dollar, by noon it was huge and really red and hot. One of the nurses sent me to the doctor. He said it could be a spider bite, but really thought it was just an absess.. Gave me an antibiotic, told me to keep heat on it and if not better come back in a couple days.. Well on Thursday, one of the nurses wanted to see it. I told her the swelling had gone down and the red area was smaller, but she wanted to see under the bandage.. Boy were we shocked as what we saw... Back to the doc I went, right then.. He said this is definitely a spider bite and we are going to have to lance it. Boy did I want to RUN!!!!!!! I knew that was going to hurt... And I was right... IT HURT!!!!!!! He deadened it but that hurt for him to do that.. I told him I was sorry, I was being such a baby about it, He said don't worry I know how bad it hurts...So he lanced it and sent it off for culture.. Then he packed it and wrapped it up. I had to go back on Friday morning for him to re-dress it and I was told to take 2 vicodins before I come up there, so here again,,, I knew it was going to be PAINFUL!!!!!!!! and I did not want to go, but we went.. From then, I have been changing the packing twice a day myself. Boy is that NOT fun.. It hurts and makes me sick to do it, But I do it. I am showing it to the nurses again tomorrow, because I don't think it looks right, but then I have no idea what it should look like now... STOMP SPIDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sue, I know now how you felt last year.... This is NO FUN!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Dang Nancy! Was it a recluse? Praying for a speedy recovery. (And thank goodness it was you and not one of the offense, but I am sure you know what I mean)

Nana said...

Yes, it was a recluse. Had the house sprayed and traps put out. Have no idea where I was when bitten, but just to make sure. I know exactly what you mean, I had rather it be me than them any day...

Anonymous said...

Nan be sure to ask is there a more powerful antibiotic, Remember I got a shot every day for a week, plus I was on antibiotic. When he changed the prescription, I continued with the shots but the new medication began fighting it and winning.
I, not knowing a lot, know you need more antibiotics. A shot a day, a more powerful drug. Originally I took clarithromycin 500 ng twice a day. I changed to Avelox. at over 100 dollars a bottle, but man it was worth every penny. The second time I had it, Doctor immediately began shots, and Avelox. In fact when we came back there, he told me to get it refilled, Just in case I had any appearance of a spot on me anywhere.
I still have that bottle but it is right where I can get it if I see what looks like a bite.
Just ask, Just take charge!!! if you dont feel the treatment is strong enough. You take charge of it. If it were Larry you would be insistent. We are too prone to let our own health be left up to the doctor.
I am just concerned.