Saturday, November 1, 2008

~My Little Spooks~

After work yesterday, I went to mom and dad's to help make the traditional Caramel Popcorn Balls, that they kids look forward to EVERY YEAR!!!!!!! Yes, even the older ones, Tony, Pam, Rochelle, Myself, all the way down to Kelsey... We all LOVE them. I waited there for all the haints to come around. Briauna has pneumonia, so we made her stay in. Maranda carried Bri's trick or treat bucket around and gathered some candy for Bri. Thanks Maranda..

Kelsey (Itsy Bitsy Spider) came in the door, "I Want Canny" and as she left she treated us with her version of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". How cute. The first song she learned was "ITsy Bitsy Spider (hense the costume). Now we are working on "Old McDonald" I remember all the kids learning to sing little songs like that.. Here are pics of our little haints..
Gabriel was a Cheerleader... Raw, Raw, Sis Boom Bah!!!!!!!!!!! and all that yelling stuff.. Maranda Was our Resident Punk Rock Skateboarder.. For real, She is REALLY GOOD on a skateboard. She is very athletic... Kiefer is the resident Scare Crow. I need him in my garden.. Rather, we need him out there where Bruce planted Clover for the deer. They are eating all the seed... Kiefer also got a Button Head buck today in the Youth Hunt.. Way to go Kief. !!!! Keep it up...
Briauna put on 3 different costumes, but would not let me take her picture in them. Maybe I will get some of her later.
Well gotta go to bed. I have a really busy day tomorrow, well actually for the next 3 days. My best friend lost her mother in law last Wednesday. They are having visitation tomorrow afternoon and I am making a big pot of soup to take up there. Then Monday is the funeral and Tuesday I am taking my parents to the airport to LEAVE ON A JET PLANE for California to visit with my dad's sister who is very ill and his older brother, that is also married to my mom's younger sister. I am so glad they are getting to get away for a few days.. I will miss them terribly, but we do have CELL PHONES!!!!! So until next time. Say La Vee!!!!!!!!!!

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