Tuesday, December 23, 2008


You got it. As I was traveling to work this morning, we noticed a car up ahead of us was sliding on a bridge, I took my foot off the gas a good ways prior to getting to the bridge and lightly tapped my brakes to slow us down, There were 2 tanker rigs several car lengths ahead of us. I had told Betty (the lady that swaps rides with me) shortly after leaving Sheridan, " I don't want to be beside them on slick roads", as they were hauling flammable materials. Well as we hit the bridge, the long one over Hurricane Creek at Ico (just north of Sheridan) we began to slide, zig zagging across the bridge, at times it felt as if we were only on 2 wheels and we were about to roll over. We went back and forth across the bridge, and then we went into a spin. I was scared to death, I just prayed and all of a sudden it was like the steering wheel was ripped from my hand and we came to a COMPLETE STOP, headed back toward Sheridan. We had gone the entire length of the bridge, in what seemed like extremely slow motion, sliding from one side to the other and spun around and did not hit a thing,, That is the hand of GOD that prevented us from hitting anything. As we began crossing the bridge, there was on coming traffic, one of the vehicles that was in front of us, went into the ditch. The Tankers were sliding, we were all sliding, That bridge was a solid sheet of ICE. When we finally stopped, I just said, 'Thank you Jesus", it was his hand that stopped that vehicle, I could not do it.
I tried to call 911 to let them know about the car that went off, but I kept getting Jefferson Co. I could not get Grant Co. So, I dialed the Sheriff's Department and let them know, Someone had already gotten them, so Help was on it's way. Betty and I decided to just go back home and maybe try again later. As we were driving back to Sheridan, we listened to the radio and heard of alot of wrecks in and around Pine Bluff and also several on I 530, which is where we were headed. I am still shaking so bad, I am not sure I can drive that again today.. Although, it is the end of the year and I do have a Contract that needs completed to go into effect on the 31st. Just not sure what we will do from here, But I just know that had it not been for the hand of God, I would probably be in the hospital or worse right now. I give him all the praise for his extra strong protecting hand this morning.


Anonymous said...

Oh THank God. Isnt it amazing how we end up in perfect harmony with the way God wants us to go. He wanted you back in Sheridan so he sent your car home.
And that is one reason I dread the weather there. I get so cold and I detest icy and snowy conditions.

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness, how scary! Glad you are home safe and sound.