Yes it was all that and MORE!!!! I took 4 little girls, Cember, Gabby, Maranda, and Kelsey to the lake house for the weekend. We left at 3 PM on Friday, Drove to the lake house (1 hr 15 min) and got it all turned on and heating up. I put the girls in the lower bedroom where I could heat that part real fast and they played, while I unloaded and got the rest of the house warm. That only took about an hour, then we ate and played Sorry and other board game, since it was dark and cold outside. That was a late nite, not going to bed until aroun 1:30 AM.
Saturday after breakfast and a quick straighten up, they were out to play, met some new neighbor girls and they all played together, I kept Kelsey inside with me until it warmed up a little more.
Then outside we went, I raked the back yard and burned the leaves. then moved to the front and side, too windy there to burn, so we raked and jumped and raked and jumped for about 3 hours (cheap entertainment, except for the blisters). There were showers to be had that night and boy was that water dirty.. But what fun we had.
Sunday after breakfast we went to a nursing rehab center to visit an elder lady that used to live beside us at the lake house. She is an awesome person. She is one of those people that I could sit and listen to all day, only she has a lung disease and cannot hold out to talk. Her and her husband built the log house that she just moved out of. It took them 7 years to build it. They cut down all the trees and debarked them and built the house. She was 49 when they started it, that just happens to be the age I am now and I could not begin to build a house especially like that one. She just loves the girls and they love her, everytime we go to the lake house, they have to go see Ms Norma. Cember and Gabby found the note on her door Oct. 07, that she had been taken to the ER early that morning. So they were immediately scared. I found someone that knew what was going on and tried to reassure them she would be OK. She was not able to come back to the log house after that, so now everytime we are there, we have to go see her. We always take her a little goody bag, this time we framed a picture I had taken of her with them in Oct. She loved it.
Then back to the leaf pile for about an hour, till it was too cool, then in for supper, baths and some more games of Sorry and other board games. Mostly Sorry..
Monday morning, UP, breakfast, clean the lakehouse, and load up. Then we came to Little Rock to Build a Bear. every Christmas they get me a gift card to Build a Bear and I take the girls and let them build me a bear. That is always alot of fun, only I did not think about all the Little Rock schools being out and there being a Girl Scout party at Build a Bear. that turned out to be a 3 hour ordeal,, but still fun.. Then to Wendy's for some food and then to their perspective homes. What a fun time was had, Making Memories....
The one on the Left is Valentine my 2008 bear, the one in the middle is Angel my 2006 Bear and the one on the Right is Merry my 2007 bear.
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