Wednesday, January 7, 2009

~Way Behind~

I usually do this at work. I get there real early and our system there is much faster and I cannot start working until 7, but they changed the security on our system and it will not allow me into this. By the time I get into town, go to physical therapy, do water aerobics and get home, it is bed time and I do not feel like getting on here then. But, on Wednesday's I do not have therapy or aerobics, I usually have the girls, but Larry's week got cancelled yesterday after he had driven to Springdale on Monday. So, let's see if I can get caught up.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Daughter-in-Law, Deanna on Monday, Jan. 5th. She turned "26", awe, to be 26 again and know then what I know now, boy would I have done alot of things differently. At 26 I was divorced with 3 little ones... Deanna is married to my middle son, Rocky and they have a beautiful daughter Kelsey that will be "3" later this month.

Rocky met Deanna while she was here from Perris, CA visiting her dad, who lives close to James. They began long distance dating, then Rocky went to Bosnia with the National Guard, upon his return from that tour in Oct. 2001 she moved to Arkansas. They married Sept. 28, 2002, at the home of Roy & Audrey Harrington (Audrey is her Great Aunt), then Oct. 2003, Rocky was deployed to Iraq. What a stressful time to be so far apart only a year after being married, but they survived. Now they have this Beautiful little girl. Happy Birthday, Deanna. Thank you for being my grand-daughters mother. You are wonderful..

Then on Tuesday, January 6th, Happy Birthday, Briauna... Briauna hit the "DOUBLE DIGITS" yesterday. She is now "10". I was there when she was born, in fact I have been there when all the kids (grand and great-grand, not the step) were born. She was so tiny and what a surprise when we found out she was coming. Pam had made the statement on Mother's Day, there was not way she was Pregnant(you have to be "exposed"), then guess what "she was"(told off on herself). Briauna is the first Grand daughter of my parents. there is a great-granddaughter just 9 months older than her. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Bri. May this year bring you a better year than last. I still like your hair better SHORT!!!!!!

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