Wonder why there are so many "Deer" in the title?? I will explain.. It has been a busy weekend here in Deer Hunting Country.
To start off: Bruce Killed a 8 point with his Bow on Saturday morning. This was his "4th" this season. Bow season starts Oct. 1 and runs through Feb. 28th. He has gotten 3 doe and this Buck.. He does not gun hunt, only bow (for Deer, he uses a gun for coon and other hunting), he and Rocky are both strictly bow hunters, but Rocky does take Deanna gun hunting during gun season, that is this next weekend. Buck does the Black powder and modern Gun. He does not get into Bow hunting much.

Then: Kiefer called and he had gotten a Button Buck that morning... I think this is Kiefer's 3rd deer, not sure, I will have to check that out.
Then: Saturday afternoon: Cember called and she had gotten a Button Buck... That is her second deer to kill.. She was with her dad hunting when she was about 3 1/2. Buck killed a deer and then she wanted to know if she could go "pat it" since he "powed it". now she is the one doing the "Powing".

Sunday afternoon: I got a text that Gabby had killed her first ever deer, a Doe... She called me and did not talk but just a second. Then she had to go help Dad skin and clean her deer.. She gets into whatever her daddy is doing. she is his shadow.. Cember likes to kill them, just not so much on the cleaning part.

10 minutes later, I had a text that Cember had gotten another Button Buck...
SO that is "5" Deer killed in less than 36 hours in our family.
I know some of you are not HUNTERS, but my family is... This is very exciting for us. We will have plenty of deer meat for the winter. Buck and Mandy were really busy Saturday and Sunday evenings, with "3" to clean and cut up.. I will post pics when I get some..
Well gotta go and get some bread baked, My sister in laws are out of Breakfast food. Aunt Faye got me started on Amish Friendship Bread in August when we went and picked up the swing, then I started baking it for everyone, now Larry's sisters think they have to have it for breakfast every day. They whined to Larry today, they had to have Honey Buns from Walmart for breakfast. So I am off to bake more breakfast.
Tomorrow is a busy day. I pick up the Yukon at the shop (u-joints went out) in the morning, then it off to the airport to take mom and dad. Then maybe to work or back home, not sure yet.. Depends on stuff..
So nite all. God Bless and Keep you ALL!!!!!!!
To start off: Bruce Killed a 8 point with his Bow on Saturday morning. This was his "4th" this season. Bow season starts Oct. 1 and runs through Feb. 28th. He has gotten 3 doe and this Buck.. He does not gun hunt, only bow (for Deer, he uses a gun for coon and other hunting), he and Rocky are both strictly bow hunters, but Rocky does take Deanna gun hunting during gun season, that is this next weekend. Buck does the Black powder and modern Gun. He does not get into Bow hunting much.

Then: Kiefer called and he had gotten a Button Buck that morning... I think this is Kiefer's 3rd deer, not sure, I will have to check that out.
Then: Saturday afternoon: Cember called and she had gotten a Button Buck... That is her second deer to kill.. She was with her dad hunting when she was about 3 1/2. Buck killed a deer and then she wanted to know if she could go "pat it" since he "powed it". now she is the one doing the "Powing".

Sunday afternoon: I got a text that Gabby had killed her first ever deer, a Doe... She called me and did not talk but just a second. Then she had to go help Dad skin and clean her deer.. She gets into whatever her daddy is doing. she is his shadow.. Cember likes to kill them, just not so much on the cleaning part.

10 minutes later, I had a text that Cember had gotten another Button Buck...
SO that is "5" Deer killed in less than 36 hours in our family.
I know some of you are not HUNTERS, but my family is... This is very exciting for us. We will have plenty of deer meat for the winter. Buck and Mandy were really busy Saturday and Sunday evenings, with "3" to clean and cut up.. I will post pics when I get some..
Well gotta go and get some bread baked, My sister in laws are out of Breakfast food. Aunt Faye got me started on Amish Friendship Bread in August when we went and picked up the swing, then I started baking it for everyone, now Larry's sisters think they have to have it for breakfast every day. They whined to Larry today, they had to have Honey Buns from Walmart for breakfast. So I am off to bake more breakfast.
Tomorrow is a busy day. I pick up the Yukon at the shop (u-joints went out) in the morning, then it off to the airport to take mom and dad. Then maybe to work or back home, not sure yet.. Depends on stuff..
So nite all. God Bless and Keep you ALL!!!!!!!
We have never killed anything larger than a bug. At least I havent. David used to hunt but now could not do it.
I am sure I would be ill if I killed a deer. I know it is a food source and that is great. Good the girls know how so young. Cleaning, I would never never do, cant stand blood. There would be too much vomit mixed in the meat. LOL
How wonderful that all the kids are involved in hunting. My youngest son is 15 and this is his first year hunting as no one else in the family hunts. Thank goodness for friends willing to teach him. Within a week, he's already gotten a young doe and a 9 point buck with his bow. Our freezer is full! Today was only the 3rd time in my life eating venison. The steaks we had were absolutely delicious! Who knew? lol
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