Wednesday, September 24, 2008

~Another Year Older~Another Year Better~

Today (Actually Tomorrow, the 25th) Aunt Net will be another year older... Not sure how old she is in the first Pic (bet you wonder what I got that one).. But she hasn't changed much... I remember when I was a little girl and you would take us to Whitaker's store to buy candy when we would come to visit. Can't say that was a LONG time ago, because you are not that much OLDER than ME!!!!!!! I am closing in on (Five-Oh) rather quickly... You have always been very special to me, as are my other aunts. I remember when you and uncle CW lived just up the highway from Grandma's and I would come stay with you. Then you moved to PB and I did not get to see you as much, Then I got married, and life got real interesting. Now we are both Grandmothers and what a treat that is. Sorry, I have not got a copy of the Cindy Crawford pic that Sheri was supposed to do for you, so this will have to do for a recent Pic (sorry, I tried to crop out CW and it did not work).


I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh crumb! I forgot about the picture!!