Sunday, September 28, 2008


On Friday evening, my kitchen looked like a bakery... I was baking Cinnamon rolls for my oldest Grand-daughter, Cember. She is in SIS ROCS, a club at her school that raisies money for charity. There was an antique car show in Sheridan this weekend, and they were going to sell baked goods there. Cember told her teacher, My Nana will make Cinnamon rolls for us and she makes the BEST!! Now how do you tell them NO.. Not me. She had to have them (I need 35 Nana) 7 AM saturday so I told her I would do them Friday nite and bring them to her.

When I arrived at 6:50 Saturday morning, there were 9 people awaiting my arrival. They had decided that my cinnamon rolls would be breakfast for all working that morning. Good thing I had made 48 and taken them all to her. I spoke with her later that afternoon and she told me they were gone before 8:00. Everyone LOVED them. I told her and Gabby, Nana is always good for baked goodies when you need them.

Then I realized I had Amish Friendship bread to do that nite. It was the 10th Day and the starter had to be finished and bread made. I made 4 loaves, 2 Lemon and 2 Chocolate/Chocolate Chip.

Let me back up a little. About an hour after I got in from work, Larry and I are discussing what is for dinner, I am thinking something simple, since I have baking to do. But NO... He decides he wants Shrimp Gumbo, so off to Wally World we go, I need Shrimp. When we return, I get the gumbo started, then I start the bread dough for the cinnamon rolls, after I have it resting, I do the Amish Bread and get it in the oven, stopping to stir the Gumbo and add ingredients to it. While the Amish Bread is baking, I make out the cinnamon rolls and let them rise till the bread is done.

I get the bread out of the oven, cinnamon rolls in and we sit down to eat Gumbo. Boy is it good. I love Gumbo, this coming from someone that used to eat one thing at a time and washed her plate between items, yes I did do that... Then Larry happened and that came to a halt, but I am still particular about something, I will NOT eat raw onions, celery, tomatoes, mushrooms, and a few other things. But I eat more casserole type things (foods mixed together) than I ever have before. Mom and dad were shocked the first time they heard I had eaten Gumbo.. I think they have kinda gotten over that now.

About the time dinner was through and I had the dirty dishes put in the dish washer, the cinnamon rolls were done, I mixed the icing and got that on them set them aside, finished the kitchen and sat down for a minute. Noticed it was close to 10 and decided to go to bed... It had been a full evening, but the house smelled WONDERFUL!!!!!

Up at 5:30 Saturday morning, put the rolls in a container and headed off to the school...

Moral of this story, it does not stop at you kids volunteering you for things, you Grand Kids do it too!!!! I LOVE them and feel proud that they want me around them and don't think I am an old foggie!!!!

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