Thursday, September 4, 2008


Sept. 4, 1999

My Little Gabby Girl is "9". When did that happen?? I remember the day (night 11:54 PM) you were born. My second precious little girl.. How happy we were. Cember was only 17 months old, but what a big sister she was. You are growing up too fast, please slow down and enjoy being a little girl. You are your daddy's daughter. You are so much like him when he was your age. You have a beautiful smile. I so enjoy being your Nana. I love the time we spend together. You are a real joy to me. I hope you have a WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY!!!!! We will celebrate on our Next Girls Nite.. I hope to have a new Art Organizer put together for us. Until I see you, Nana LOVES you!!!

Gabby took this pic of herself on our LakeHouse weekend. I think she did real good...


Anonymous said...

Awww Happy Birthday Gabby!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday pretty girl. Hope to someday see you again. I am sure you dont remember me but you did set in my lap and talk to me, You were quite small though.