Monday, September 15, 2008

~Game Cam~

Larry and I just got a new toy... James helped us purchase a Game Cam. For those of you that do not know what that is, It is a camera that you place outside somewhere around a trail that wild game make to get pics of them without you being there. It is awesome. We put it out on Saturday evening. That night we got 23 pics, 21 of deer and 2 of possums. Last night we got another 29 pics, this time about 8 of them were of rabbits.
This Pic is of 3 does eating at 6:15 am on Sunday morning. they laid up all nite during the storm and them came out early in the morning to eat. The camera has an infrared lens on it, so it takes night pics without a flash.

This is 2 bucks coming out late yesterday afternoon to eat. We keep sweet grain out there for them to eat. This feed costs $9.40 per 50 lb bag and we feed about 50 lbs a week. Not too bad. They are well fed deer. There is one that is about a 10 point, I am sure that one will meet his demise this season, if not by Bruce, then by someone in the lease behind us.

Last Monday evening Bruce killed a wild pig in this same area. I will post a pic of the skull mount of it when it is finished. Bruce said he weighed about 250 lbs or so. His tusks were about 4 1/2 " long. We love living out here with all the wild life. Larry has never lived anywhere like this before, so this is all new to him. I have lived in a couple of places with wildlife all around, but this is still exciting.. Now he tells me there is another piggy out there. Hope to get some pics of it soon. I am hoping for a frontal shot of the Big Boy out there, where you can see his antlers real well. May have to print and frame that one.

Well, time to go to water aerobics. Not sure if I need to do that, I am beginning to get stopped up and it is kinda cool here. Oh well, I will be fine..

Until Next time:::


Anonymous said...

Those are amazing photos, Secrets of the night! Hey did you say you WERE going to have a garden? WERE being operative? Deer, rabbit and pigs love gardens, even roses.

Nana said...

I think we are going to forgo the garden idea. I do want to have blackberries and maybe muscadines... I got cuttings from Roy's blackberry plants and they have rooted. So I am planting them this fall... We are putting in the clover patch in this circle this weekend. So they will have that to eat with the sweet grain. So far, they have not gotten close enough to the house to get the roses or the hostas. Maybe they won't..

Anonymous said...

What were those other berries at Roy's similar to muscadines,but sweeter. I can't remember the name.

Anyway, the game cam is so neat!

I hope you are feeling better soon, crazy that I got all of that bread baked, I know.

Nana said...

Scuppernong, were they not Delish?? I love them. Bruce is going to put me up an arbor and I am going to try to grow some. Wish me luck!!