Thursday, December 31, 2009
~What a BUSY Time~
After the stocking stuffin party, things got crazy...Actually just prior to the stuffin party, the boys began the framing of the foundation for the Big Pout House.. Yes we have HIRED them to build us another shop to store the tractors. This one will be 30 x 60', yes, that is quite large, but over time, I am sure not LARGE enough, but all we can afford. Just went DEEPER in DEBT. I don't like that, but we need to protect them from the weather.. The 16th they pourded 35 yards of concrete and the concrete finishers were out here off and on all night working the concrete foundation.. I locked up and went to bed at 10 since I had to be up at 5 to get ready for work. Speaking of Work: Things started falling apart at work, of course they always do when I am trying to finish up somethings getting ready for some time off.. I had 6 days of Vacation that I had to take or I would loose it.. So I am going to take it..
Larry ends up in IOWA where it is -20 or so at nite... That is COLD and since his surgery, he has become ALMOST as cold natured as I am... So he was miserable.. Tony turned "39" as did Sheri, 18 minutes before Tony did... Then there was the night of the 17th... We were having our Christmas Goody day at work, which when the sign up list came out, my name was already on it for Cinnamon Rolls... Then Gab had asked me to make some for her party at school, having always been told "you CANNOT bring homemade goodies to school" I thought I was safe there and it would be the "SCHOOLS FAULT" I could not do that for her. I told her I would need a note from her teacher stating she could bring Homemade Cinnamon rolls to school... Well on Tuesday the 15th... Mandy calls me and tells me she has "THE NOTE" So on Thursday I make 2 batches of Cinnamon rollls.. I have rolls rising EVERYWHERE.... But boy did the house SMELL WONDERFUL... I LOVE BAKING>.. I guess I get that from MOM... Mom is going to take tem to Gabby at school for me, since she is going to Maranda's party.. Thanks SO MUCH MOM... LOVE YOU.... Gabby was disappointed because only 8 of her Cinnamon rolls were eatten at school. I told her that was OK, now they have several for Breakfast. She shared them with Bebe and Pappy...
Then on to Christmas at my house on the 21st. I always have all my kids and mom and dad to my house for Dinner and Christmas.. So this year we are having pork roast, potatoes, carrots, rice, rolls and some type of dessert... I started the pork roast on Sunday nite, then came home early from work and put the taters and carrots in with it, then drained off some juice and cooked the Garden Harvest wild rice in that. Mom did the rolls for me and made an apple pie. I did a coconut cream pie and some Christmas goodies, fudge, skillet cookies and cracker candy. It turned out really good, Deanna's mom, sister and Nephew joined us. It was alot of fun... Everyone seemed to have a really good time. I got Cember and Gab 12 pair of Toe socks, then Lil bit wanted some, so I set about finding her some. I did find them and got them ordered and they arrived on the 26th... So now she has some Kelsey size ones.
I finished up work on the 23rd for the year. They let us all go home at 2:30 that day... We had to go to my sister in laws on the 24th to assist them with some things, Then Christmas day was real quiet, just me and Larry at home.. That was kinda nice, but did not seem like Christmas..
On Saturday the 26th, we spent the day in Little Rock just looking,,, Then went to dinner at Red Lobster for our 14th Anniversary on the 27th.. We both ended up sick all nite over that, not sure what did it, maybe the fried foods that we had and are no longer accustomed to... Have not had FRIED since Larry's surgery... Oh well..
THen we had Family Christmas at mom and dad's on the 27th. All but 3 of the Family were there. That was real nice... Mom and I made all the Grand and Great grands a quilt except the 4 oldest... I think that went over really well.. They all seemed to like them... I really enjoyed helping make all the tops. We had a lady do the actual quilting for us with her quilting machine. Boy I would love to know how to do that and have a set up like she has. It is AWESOME... Oh well, maybe someday.. I told her when she gets her new machine (she wants a new one), Let me know and I may be interested in her current one... She wants a computerized one... Not likely to happen.. But I can dream...
Yesterday I had to go into the office to take care of an invoice for an interpreter and get her paid. She had sent in her paperwork written in PENCIL twice and ended up not having money to buy her kids Christmas. I hate that, but there was nothing I could do, My hands were tied. I told the coordinator, I would have the secretary watch for the corrected paperwork to come in and call me and I would make a trip to the office and get it processed and hand carry it to payables for them to process the check. Hopefully that went out this morning. I know it will be late, but maybe they will enjoy their christmas anyway. YOu have to follow STATE rules on invoices or they do not get processed... That is just how it is... Then last nite we picked up one of Larry's sisters and went to Hot Springs to look at the Christmas light display in the park, only to get over there and find out there was a problem and they were not working. What a disappointment, so we went and had dinner at Olive Garden instead. That was good..
So here we are at New Years Eve.. The boys have worked everyday this week and have the walls framed, squared and blandexed. The trusses were delivered yesterday, I am not sure if they will hand set them Friday and Saturday, or get a crane on Monday to assist with that.. I guess we will find out later today about that...
So for now. I am wishing EVERYONE the HAPPIEST of NEW YEARS, and may you be MORE BLESSED in 2010 than you were in 2009.!!!!!! I know Larry and I were really blessed in 2009, I still have him and that is just by the Grace of GOD that I do.. As Larry told the doctors after his surgery, "For some unknown reason, God just did not want is life yet" and for that I am so THANKFUL.... LOVE TO ALL and to ALL a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
~Stocking Stuffin~
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
~quilts quilts and more quilts~

Sunday, November 22, 2009
~Spider Bite~

Sue, I know now how you felt last year.... This is NO FUN!!!!!
Monday, November 16, 2009
~Veteran's Day Quilting Bee~
Mom, Jeanette and I got together for a day of quilting (Aunt Jeanette did not get to spend the day, but she did come for lunch). Mom and I pieced 4 twin quilt tops (not difficult ones), we used the wildlife blocks and put them together with other prints and solids. Now we only have a couple more to do.. That will happen soon. I almost have one of them completed.. For me, it was an awesome day.. I am going to try to do that again real soon. We had 2 machines set up and both of them going.
For lunch, mom made Chicken and dumplins and a chicken noodle soup made with stir fry veggies. They were both really good. I took the left over chicken and dumplins home for Bruce's supper, he was REALLY Excited. He LOVES his mamaw's dumplins.. Thanks mom for sharing with him.
Thursday morning early they were on their way to be quilted... Can't wait to see them finished..
I will post pics when they are all finished... Gonna be fun doing that...
Well, better get on with some actual work... Love to ALL!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
~Punkin Patch~
Monday, October 19, 2009
~Awesome Vacation~

Thursday, September 24, 2009
~Chugga Lugga Luggin 5 Miles an Hour~

Sunday, August 23, 2009
~Lil Bits Adventure~

Thursday, August 20, 2009
~Leaving on a Jet Plane~
Monday, August 3, 2009
One morning I was waiting on the girl I was riding with to get to the meeting point and I got a glimpse of a vehicle coming at me on the Drivers side, I looked up and it was him, he had pulled up to where his front grill was almost touching my car. I bout panicked.. Tina got there and we left, without saying a word to each other. Then we began to see each other there nearly every day. Sometimes we talked sometimes just waved. This went on for a couple of months, then the lady that worked in the station told me he wanted my phone number. I would not give it to him at that time. I just was not sure I wanted to date..
In early July, I began to call him, but secretly hoped he would not answer and was scared that a woman might answer, I did not know if he was in a relationship or not, neither did the lady at the station, she had never seen him with a woman, but did not know for sure. Then on August 2nd, I called him and actually talked to him. We talked for over 3 hours and he asked me out for the next night and I said OK.. It that is how it all began. But we did not get married until Dec. 27, 1995. He has been the most caring, considerate, loving man I have ever known. He spoils me rotten.. I am so blessed to have him in my life, as you all know, I came so very close to loosing him just 10 weeks ago, but by the Grace of God, he is still with me and continues to spoil me.
The day after our first date, My house (the one that Mike and I lived in) went up on PUblic Auction. Larry sent me flowers.. and they continue to come still today...
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
~Here Piggy Piggy~
Friday, July 10, 2009
~Thinking of Grandma~
Thursday, July 9, 2009
~New Treasure~

What do you think?? I thought of each of the girls sitting on my lap when I saw this. The only thing that would have made it better is if there had been 3 little bears... I am so ready for a girls nite.. Maybe week after next.. We will have Larry's Pizza Buffet on Tuesday nite, Then I will take off Wednesday and we will spend the day at the POOL.... That will be SO MUCH FUN!!! Can't wait.
I LOVE looking in old junk shops, never know what you may find in there.. Larry found 2 single trees (who knows what that is) for the old Cultivator that used to belong to his brother in laws father. That will be yard art when restored.. By the way, we can start working on the Wheel Horses now according to the Doc. Larry said if we work hard on them, they will be ready for the girls to drive in the parade.. I am not holding my breath on that one, I do not want him to work that HARD! He is trying his luck at cutting the grass today, he promised he would take it slow and take lots of breaks.. I have to "Trust" (Sheri's word for the year) that he will take care of himself.. The Good Lord has brought him this far, so I have to "Trust" he will carry him on.. I am so blessed to still have him..
God's Blessing to ALL
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
~All Systems GO!!!!!~
We tested him this past weekend. We went to Branson. We had a wonderful time, but he did get really tired. But when he got tired, we rested... We walked in the mall, ate, shopped in the junk stores,... Sat on the benches and watched people.. It was really nice. The weather was not too hot, there was a breeze blowing and lots of people to watch. We even ran into a couple that I knew a long time ago. Our boys were in Story Hour together at the County Library (Pre School age), so that was a LLLOOONNNGGG Time ago, being my oldest just turned "30"... It was good to talk to them again. We were on our way to have dinner and they were on their way to a musical show of some sort. We chatted for 5-10 minutes and then on our ways we went..
We found lots of "Treasures" in the Junk Stores. I found a Teddy Bear cookie jar, Larry found a Brace and bits for it, We found IH Farmall signs that we fell in love with, that will go in the pout house with the tractors. And we found another tractor, it is a 36 Farmall F-20. You can independently lock in the L or R Rear brake and make it do donuts. It is kewl. It does not have a battery, it is hand crank.. Now we just have to find an 8 ft wide trailer to haul it home on. That has not been an easy task. We will have to have a flat bed trailer, and a 1 ton pick up to pull it with, of which we have neither.. What a pickle we are in with this right now. Larry is weighing out some other options, keep in mind he cannot hand crank this nor can he bind it down on a trailer.. Why does he find such things when he is really not able to mess with them. Oh well, this too we will can handle..
Talked to my Uncle Roy yesterday, He is doing well, I asked about the tiny hen he had sitting on all the eggs when we were there a few weeks back. well,,,,, she hatched out "18" babies.. Wow what a family for one mother to take care of. This little hen is so TINY herself, it was all she could do to cover all those eggs, now she has all these babies. Roy says they are so CUTE and some of them are to little, 3 of them I think he said were regular size baby chicks, almost as big at birth as she is... I want to go see them, but not sure when we will have time. Now that Larry is going to work, we will probably spend most weekends resting at least for awhile.. We will see how that goes.
Mom and Dad are headed to the lake for another couple of days. (Thanks for having lunch with us yesterday after the MD appts...), then home on Sat. and back to the lake on Sunday for 3-4 days.. I am so thrilled that they go to the lake as much as they do.. I am just jealous I cannot do that, but hopefully my day will come..
Well I gotta get back to work..
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
~Tractors and Tillers~
They had small kids 5-10 years old out there with Mantis tillers and they were racing down a 200 ft track to see who could win. It was neat watching them. Those kids gave it all they had..
One little girls tiller died at the beginning of the race and she was so upset.. Then they ran again and she ended up winning the entire competetion...
We went to the shelling contest. The lady that won, shelled 7 5/8 oz in 5 minutes. Then they auctioned off all the peas that were shelled in the competetions. There was a little over 4 lbs and I think it went for $27.00 That is kinda high in my book. But it was going for a good cause..
Then we found a shady spot and parked our chairs for the parade, that lasted all of about 6 minutes, then over to the track again for the suped up tiller races. They had 2 tillers that had between 750 and 900cc motorcycle engines in them. The first race was 2 women (SMALL women, about 100-125 lbs). The lady in lane 1 finished in 6.5 seconds (200 ft track), the lady in lane 2 was drug about 100 ft and then let go and the tiller turned over. She was fine, but the tiller needed some welding, so that was the end of the tiller races. So then on to the WEDDING, yes they had an actual wedding performed there. At that point we were hot and tired, so we opted to head for home. They were having a Larry the Cable Guy look alike contest and a Street Dance later, but we headed for home.
On the way down we saw a junk shop in Camden. But decided not to stop. But, on the way back, we did stop. They had a trailer with iron wheels on it parked out front. Mom has this thing for iron wheels. they had a matching pair of smaller wheels she was interested in. They guy came down $10 on the pair, so I bought them for her Birthday, that was Yesterday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM.. I LOVE YOU... Then we went inside, no A/C so it was suffocatingly hot in there. We did find a couple pots that were Miracle Maid, we got them for $7.00 so now I am going to see about getting them replaced, Aunt Sue, can you tell me how you did this?? Could not pass that up.. One of them is in usable shape, the other has alot of stains inside, I may can scrub them out, I will try that..
Then on home. Mom and dad headed back to the lake for a few more days of camping. Just speaking for myself, I thoroughly enjoyed the Day, even in the heat.. Now Larry wants to find a Lawn Mower Race. So I am searching the I-net for that. Found some, but they were in May, may have to flag the calendar for that next year..
God Bless all... with cooler weather...
Friday, June 19, 2009
~Stay Off The Sidewalks~
We are going to Branson on July 2nd for a few days. We have a hotel room with a balcony that over looks the Courtyard at Branson Landing and they will be having a fireworks show there on the night of the 3rd. So we will have front row seats and not have to look over, around, etc.... heads.. We did that last year and just loved it.. We can walk to anywhere we want to eat and if we do not want to we do not have to get in the car for anything.. So I am planning alot of relaxing.. Our hotel is part of the mall, so we have shopping... I need it right now..
Last Saturday, Larry, mom, dad, and I went to Uncle Roy's for the afternoon. Larry and Roy really hit if off when we went and got the swing in August. So we drove up there. Their power went out on Friday due to Tornados in the area, luckily their house did not get hit, but a HUGE tree between them and JR did get hit, not getting either of their homes, God is GREAT!!!!!!.. We sat on the porch with a shop fan blowing on us being powered by the Generator. It was GREAT... Then dad and I got stung by a Bumble Bee.. I got it on the leg and dad on his face. Dad swelled pretty bad, I just got a huge knot and a bad bruise.. Never heard of a bumble bee stinging, that one was determined, he just kept coming back to attack again.. Uncle Roy had the fly swatter after him, not sure if he ever got it or not.. We stopped and got lunch meat and fixings. Mom took cookies and Zuccini Bread and I made Brownies. We just sat and talked, laughed and ate.. It was really good... Oh, I picked enough blackberries to make a cobbler..
My baby grand daughter and her mother are back from 3 weeks in California. I am going to see her tonite.. I sure did miss her, but I had my hands full...
Cember and Gabby have been at church camp all week, they came home today. Hope to see them this weekend..
Buck and Bruce got called to work for about 7-10 days,, Rocky is busy remodeling their kitchen. He started it when Deanna went to CA.. Now he is trying to finish.. It is going to be really nice when finished.. I am going by this afternoon to see where he is with it. Buck and Bruce have been helping him.
Well gotta go,, More invoices to get processed before next Thursday. Trying to close out our Fiscal year at work.. They will lock us out completely next Thursday. Then I will have a week to get ready to start keying all those renewed contracts.. That will take about 5 days of nothing by keying.. My hands will be killing me by the end of each day..
God Bless all....
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
~I am not OLD enough to have a "30" Year Old~

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
~Hubby Update~
We got out last Saturday and rode around and checked out some of the lakes close by. He seemed to enjoy that. We got out a couple of times and did some walking, not much, just a little.. Just so he could get that in. He is supposed to walk at least 3 times a day. He has increased it to where he is walking about 20 minutes each walk. Mentally he is ready to go back to work, but physically, no where near ready yet.. He drives ALOT in his job. He covers all Central US from Canadian to Mexican Borders, covering 12 states.. Most of that he drives. On Wednesday night prior to Surgery he had driven in from Iowa.. Right now, he is no where near ready to start driving that kind of distance.. But he will be... He will have to start out driving shorter distances and build up to that kind of driving again. When he leaves, he may not stop for 4-5 hours and then it is just to fuel up and hit the road again. He will have to learn to stop every 2 hours or so and get out and walk a little bit... But that too he will learn how to do.
We are hoping to go to Roy's this weekend for a little bit, not sure how long we will be able to stay, but he says he needs to see Roy, They really hit if off last August when we went to get my swing that Roy had built for me. Mom and dad are supposed to go with us.. We may go over to the lake tomorrow and spend the day with mom and dad, not sure how Larry will be feeling when I get home. I am back to work 6 hours a day, That leaves him alone 8 hours and I do not like doing that, but I have to close out the year at work, so I have to be here some..
Speaking of work, I have invoices to process...
Later... Keep praying for strength, him and ME!!!!!
Friday, May 29, 2009
~In the Words of Louis Grizzard~
Now I have phone calls to make, My parents, his sisters, my sons,, his boss... etc.... They are not letting us go home, so I have to ask mom to go to the house and bring me some clothes and stuff, because I may be here awhile..
Mom and dad get there around 4:30 because they are meeting for the Graduation/Birthday (Maranda on Sunday) dinner at PF Changs..
The Surgeon comes in at 5 and explains to us what is happening and what is about to happen. We talk to him for over an hour.. We will have surgery at 7:30 Sat. AM.. So within 22 hours we have gone through all this and will be in surgery...
So the rest of the night, we are in x-ray, ultrasound, echo, blood draws, Now keep in mind, Larry has not been in the hospital or had ANY type procedure done since he was 7 and cut his wrist.. So he is not liking this at ALL... At 4 AM they come in and wake him up to draw ABG (Arterial Blood Gasses), this is drawn out of an artery and hurts like all get out... REALLY BAD.. He is squeezing my hand so hard I about go to the floor, but I stand there and talk him through it. Then at 6 they come get us and take us to Surgery waiting, I am trying really hard to be strong, but the longer we sit there the more the tears roll.. His sisters called and said they were in the waiting room, So I asked one of the nurses if they could come back and so they got them. Then off to SURGERY!!!!!! I told them I wanted some of his drugs, he would be asleep and not know anything, so I was the one that needed the don't care stuff, but I did not get it. I was told they had about an hour prep and then surgery would begin. That would take about 4 hours. So we wait, Mom, Dad, Mary, Linda, Roger, Patti and I.... and we wait, and we wait, etc. at 11 we were told they were closing up... and we waited, and waited... I walk to the doorway and stand, tears just rolling,,, and I see the surgeon (Dr. Martino it is 12:30) and he is SMILING.. So I know things went well. So he explained what he did and that we should be able to see him shortly, he would be in CVICU for the next 48 hours or so and that would be the critical time.
So at 1 were allowed to see him.. Words cannot describe what I saw, tubes, wires, monitors,, machines,, everywhere.... And my husband, laying there with a machine breathing for him, motionless... A man that is NEVER still, we had planned to finish the trailer and start on the Wheel Horses this weekend... and here he lies not moving at all, not even breathing on his own.. I am terrified, all I can do is cry.. But he is alive and the docs say he is doing great... I am thinking what do they know, they do not know this man and how active he is..
Mom and dad leave to take care of some things, but Mary, Linda and Roger are staying for awhile. Linda will not go see him, She cannot stand all the machines and tubes, and that is OK. Mary and I go back in at 5 and we have to wait, because they are pulling the vent tube.. Finally he will be breathing on his own.. We are asked to not let him talk, just talk to him..
Mary, Linda and Roger leave, I would be fine, he is doing really good, and I just needed some alone time to think about all this and try to absorb it and get some of my crying out so I can be strong for him when he knows I am there. I go back to see him and get to stay for an hour at 8... He told me it sure was good to open his eyes and see me standing there... Then I told his nurse I will be in the waiting room if he needs me in the night.. I am assigned a couch to sleep on... I have my phone on vibrate in my pocket.. Just in case... About 4 AM, I sat straight up on that couch and just had a warm feeling, did not know what that was, but I went back to sleep. At 6 my phone vibrates, scared the bageebees out of me.. It was Larry's nurse, He had been asking for me since, you got it, "4". He did not remember me being there the night before, She told him, I had had a rough day and let's wait till 6 and let her get some rest and then she would call me back there. So he was content with that, but kept asking how much longer till 6.. I got to stay back there for another hour till shift change... Then I went and found me a shower and changed my clothes, I had been wearing mine for 2 days now... He was doing well and I needed to feel better and felt that would help. I got to go back in at 8, they had him eating breakfast, scrambled eggs and all.. Then after that visit, I went and got breakfast.. I was called around 11:30 to come to the desk, My heart sank,, but it was to tell me they were moving him upstairs to a room, HALLELUJAH God is SO GOOD!!!!! It was less than 24 hours in CVICU and we are going upstairs, in a WHEELCHAIR no less, not a bed... Things progressed from there, drain tubes began to be pulled and replaced with just bandages,, They keep telling us how well he is doing and I can see him getting stronger each day... The nurses and the staff are just great.. He is a model patient.. Day 5 after Surgery, Thursday, We get to go home. Boy, am I SCARED.. now it is up to me to take care of him. I have no one watching this little heart monitor, I have to watch him.. But I can do this... Does he mind me and rest when we get home, NO... He ends up getting TOO TIRED and does not rest last night. Today we will do better.. I am going to give him a shower in a little bit.. that should make him feel alot better,, In fact he is wanting to do that now. So I will update more later.. I have to go play nurse....
Thanks to EVERYONE FOR ALL THE PRAYERS, that is what got us where we are right now..
Thursday, May 21, 2009
~Wrong Click~
Reunion:: It is only 8 days until the Family Reunion. I am excited. It will be interesting to see who all actually shows up... I am sure there will be people, I have never seen or have not seen in no telling how many years.. It will hopefully be a full day of catching up and hearing all kinds of stories of my parents growing up days, wonder what kind of secrets will be revealed??? Might be INTERESTING!!!!!!
The day after the reunion, my baby grand daughter and her mother leave for CA. Deanna's mother is having knee replacement and Deanna and Kelsey are going out for 3 weeks to help her out. I am excited that Kelsey's other Grandma will get to spend some time with her, hope most of it is Cindy feeling good time.. I am so BLESSED to have my entire family as close to me as they all are. My oldest brother and his family has recently moved to Texarkana, but still that is only 2 hours away and they come to Sheridan fairly often. The rest of us are within 20 minutes of each other. I guess Buck lives the next farthest from me and that is only 15 minutes if I go the back roads from my house.. I can do that as long as we have not had alot of rain recently. The water has just now receeded enough I can go that way, and guess what, we are expecting more rain for the next 4 days, then dry weather again. There is only a 10% chance of rain the day of the Reunion. I hope it is gorgeous weather and not extremely hot.. We will have a WONDERFUL DAY, at least I will.. I just found out some that are going to be there, but I am not telling.. You will have to be there to find out who all is there.. I think I need to pick up some name tags for everyone.. What do ya think??
OK< I think I have settled down a little about the spreadsheet. I guess I will get to re-building it, It is not going to re-build itself and I do have invoices that I need to get paid and I have to have that spreadsheet to do it with. SO here I go..
Later all, God Bless and Keep you in your travels to Sheridan Rec Center for the Brown Reunion...
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
~Life Goes On~
Larry and I bought and halfway re-built a wooden trailer to pull behind the tractors for a Hayride... Can't wait to get it painted (if it EVER quits RAINING). It too will be RED.. "If it ain't Red, leave it in the Shed"
We had Easter egg hunt and Strawberry shortcake at mom's, the Sunday after Easter (it was RAINING on Easter)... It also rained the morning we had it, but it quit and cleared off, mom and dad's yard drains really well, so we were able to hide about 100 eggs for the kids to hunt.. Strawberry short cake was wonderful, we also had stuff to make banana splits or ice cream sundae's for whomever prefered them.. We all sat outside on the patio and had a WONDERFUL visit. We just do not do nearly enough of that.. Mom had made dressing and we were sitting there talking and Buck said he had to go have more of that, he did not get to eat Mamaw's cooking nearly enough anymore..
The following Sunday, I took the girls to Disney on Ice - Mickey and Minnie's Memories.. It was Great. I think they really enjoyed it and I know I did. I sure like having little ones, I can use and an excuse to go see things like that. A girl that works with Deanna, got the tickets FREE for me. No, I did not get out of there without dropping a small fortune. I treated the girls to McDonald's for lunch (their choice, not mine), then I paid $10.00 to park,, Then I bought them a SnoCone in a Stitch (Lilo & Stitch), mug that cost me $10.00 EACH... Then I ended up eating 2 of the snocones, because they did not like them.. YES it was well worth it... Then we stopped and got a snack on the way home... I really enjoyed the afternoon...
The first weekend in May, Larry and I took a road trip to pick up a couple of Wheel Horses. If you have not heard of them

Sunday was Mother's Day, I had gotten mom a Red Leaf Japanese Maple while I was in Hot Springs.. I had intended to take them to lunch, but I did not call them early enough. I was waiting till they got out of church, but did not know they get out earlier (I know I should have been there, but I was not), so they were almost in Little Rock when I called. I will make it up to them.. Pam and Tony had been over on Saturday nite, James called on Sunday, he is in Texarkana working now. I did go over and spend some time after they got back from LR..
If the weather clears some, Larry and I are taking mom and dad with us to a Tractor show, parade, races, etc... this weekend in Nashville AR.. That will be a fun trip.. I am anxious to go. On the way we are going to discuss and start planning our trip later this year. We are trying to go to the Redwoods, Larry has never seen them and it has been YEARS since I have.. Would love to see them again.. Planning to take mom and dad with us.. It is our turn to do for them..
Well, I think I have caught up. Will try to post more often, just right now is BUSY BUSY time.. Trying to close out the year at work and help on the Reunion coming up in 2 WEEKS... Right now I feel like the little engine that COULD,, I think I can, I think I can,,, etc.... I can do this...
LOVE and BLESSINGS to ALL!!!!!!!!
Friday, April 17, 2009
~work work work~
On a more happy note. I am getting excited about the reunion. Sheri and her family are going to try to be there. Mom and I got all the information typed the other nite. I am getting it printed this weekend and mailed out. Please fill out the form and send (snail or e-mail) back to me. I am trying to put together a family directory, names, addresses, birthdates and phone numbers, etc.... to be handed out at the reunion. IF you are not able to attend and want one, I will mail to you. YOu will not be left out..
Mom, Dad, Larry and I are going to a Tractor Parade/Race on the 16th of May. I am excited about that. Larry and I are trying to purchase a Wheel Horse, which is an old riding lawn mower that looks just like a miniature tractor. We have found some, we are just trying to get time to go look/get them.. We will restore them and use them probably for the girls to ride at the house, we will have a turning plow, cultivator and mower deck with them. Cember wants to cut the grass for us with the riding mower this year. I am going to let her try the next time she is at the house and see how she does. I will probably have to take turns with her and Kiefer. Kiefer wants to do it also, But I think Cember will be in Mississippi most of the summer, Buck is supposed to be working down there and possibly Bruce, not sure on that yet, I think sometime mid June he is supposed to be there. If so, this will be a long summer for me..
Well gotta get off for now. Time to go..
God Richly Bless each of you.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
~Where do I start~
The first week in May I will be at our annual convention in Hot Springs. I will probably stay at the lake house and not drive back and forth everyday, since it is only 20 miles from the convention center. I used to do the exhibits, but it got too hard on my joints pounding that concrete floor for 3 days, so now I do registration, I get to sit down for most of that.
Larry and I have been doing some work in the yard, digging up and setting out Dogwoods, Wysteria, Red buds, and Roses. We have been moving some dirt around and trying to decide what to do in the circle out front. Still not sure there. But we are going to play with it this weekend and try to come up with something.
I have been trying to gather addresses of all family members to send out reunion info to,, Please send your's(snail and e-mail) to me, just to make sure I have it. Along with the reunion info I am requesting family stats and am planning to put together a family directory. So please get me the completed questionaire as soon as you can, after I send it out that is.
Last weekend Larry and I went to a tractor show up town just to see how ours compares to the ones they have. We are I would say as good as some and better than others. Mom and dad asked why we did not take ours up there. We really just did them to see if we can, Now that we know we can and do a real good job at it, we may take them next time. We are going to another tractor show in Nashville AR on the 16th of May, We have asked mom and dad to go with us for the day. I called to get more info on it and was asked how many we would be bringing and what models they are. I told them we would not be bringing them this time. I was asked to at least bring pictures if I have them. So maybe we will do that, but Larry is looking for a trailer to haul them on, if he decided to show them. We got out on Saturday afternoon and he and I had tractor races on these roads out here for about an hour. The neighbors got a good laugh out of that. We had a blast doing it. Then it was put the toys up and get back to work.
Sunday we mowed the entire yard, he did the riding mower and I did the push mower (to make sure nothing got cut down) for 2 hours each. I was tuckered when I stopped...
Buck and Bruce got laid off in Batesville on Thursday and came home. Buck goes back to white bluff on the 14th and Bruce went today. He thought he was not going until the 20th, so he was planning some turkey hunting, but he got called yesterday and asked why he was not there. so he had to go today. I was glad to get them back home. I think they are planning to go to somewhere in MS sometime in May or June for about 6 - 8 weeks, not sure about that yet.
Mom, dad, Larry and I have got to get together and plan our trip this summer. now that we know pretty much we are going to get to do it, I am getting excited about it. Now we just have to decide where and when... We know we are going to Fly.. so the how is taken care of, then we will rent a car when we get there..
Larry and I are going to Branson again this year on July 4th. We like to go junk shopping there, it is alot of fun. sometimes we find some neat stuff and sometimes not. But we like to look.. Then we just walk and look in the craft stores and sit and watch people. I love to do that. It is amazing what all you see, when you just sit and look.
Well gotta go and get some sleep. I will try to post more often than I have been.
Nite all..
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
~Catching Up~
Well, now for what has been going on. Larry and I are hard at it again in the yard, we have put out 600 lbs of lime and 550 lbs of fertilizer (3 weeks apart). The grass is greening up more and more every day. I promise we thought we could hear it growing last weekend. It is supposed to storm here today, Thanks Sheri for sending it our way, We need some rain to soak the fertilize into the ground, just not the severe weather. We also set out 3 red buds that we dug up at mom and dad's, thanks, then we dug up 2 dogwoods in the woods and set them in the yard. Everytime the dogwoods bloom I think of my Grandma McLemore. She always wanted to come to Arkansas to see the dogwoods in bloom, kinda ironic, that when she passed away, the dogwoods were in full bloom. I remember that morning mom and dad left for CA, then that night I got a call they had an accident in Tucumcary NM and mom and Pam were in the hospital. That was scary, I felt so helpless, but I stayed home as dad had asked me to, he had all he could handle there and did not need the worry of me being on my way there. Then again, I had 3 little ones. That was a bad year all the way around, that Dec., Mike and I separated, but I won't go into all that..
The woods in AR are so pretty in the spring, with all the dogwoods and red buds in bloom. I just love to drive down all the back roads and look at all the blooms. Larry and I did that some on Saturday, only we were also looking for small dogwoods that we could dig up and plant in the yard. I was supposed to see about getting top soil hauled this week, but with the rain, that would be a waste of time and money, so I will wait on that.. We did get out the roses, actually Rocky and I did that on Wednesday, then Larry and I put the landscape blocks around them on Friday evening, then the weed barrier and the mulch. Then Saturday up early and put out fertilize and trees. It was a full day and we hurt that evening. We kept making the mistake of stopping and sitting for a little bit, then the getting up part was murder. It will get better, just in time to do it all over again this weekend..
Well all for now. I have a cake in the oven. Gotta go check that then work on mom and dad's taxes..
Later ALL.
Mark your calender for the Reunion..
Thursday, March 12, 2009
~I'm Late for an Important Date~
The weather here is so crazy right now. Over the weekend, it was in the upper 70's and even low 80's, today it is 34 and raining. Larry is coming home from Kansas City and he is almost in Fort Smith and it is sleeting and snowing on him. Mandy went to Batesville yesterday to take Buck some warmer clothes, and now she is trying to get home and it is snowing on her. Then by Sunday it is back in the upper 60's and by mid next week into the upper 70's. Maybe this will be our last cold snap (at least last one this cold), The low tonite is 32 and the high tomorrow is 45.. I want WARM weather.
In my last post Bruce was expecting on heading for Batesville on Sunday or Monday, hopefully with a day to rest in between. Well,,,,, He did get laid off Monday at 4:00 and instructed to report to the job site in Batesville on Tuesday morning at 7.. No rest in between. So I hurried home and helped him gather up all his stuff, I had kept it washed up just in case this happened. And it is a good thing we did. He left around 6:30 headed to Batesville. I got a text at 9:15 "I'm here, good nite". I guess he and Buck will be there for the next 5-10 weeks. So I am HOME ALONE!!!! Larry will be in Tonite sometime and back out on Monday. SO during the week for awhile, it will be just me.. But that is OK. I like it out here. I'm NOt Skerd... I have "Watch Deer"...
I wanted to work on a Rose Garden this weekend, but I guess that will have to wait. Larry and I are taking mom and dad out for dinner on Saturday for Dad's Birthday. Not sure yet where we will be going. I told him it was his choice.
Well better get off and get some more things done. WIll post more later.
Friday, March 6, 2009
~Run, Run, Run~
Last week, Buck & Bruce were told they would be going to Batesville soon, so, I have been trying to keep Bruce's clothes washed up (I do this anyway, but I am paying particularly close attention to it now). Well, Buck got told at 1 yesterday they needed him in Batesville today at 7 am. He said he could not make that, but he could be there Saturday am. So, last nite, we were busy (after I ran my errands in town, went to Kelsey's gymnastics, and did water aerobics) , gathering up last minute things I had at the house for the camper. Buck, Mandy and the girls are taking that up today and get it set up, Mandy and the girls are staying for the weekend. Bruce was told he should be shipping out Sunday or Monday for batesville.
Yesterday was Bruce's 26th Birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SON!!! Boy did that time pass fast. They all came over for dinner on Wednesday nite. I made a statement about Bruce's age and Rocky, said "Yes, that means I am going to be "28" on Tuesday, Deanna and I could not remember how old I was and I knew someone would mention Bruce's age and then we would know" He is so silly. Then he went on to say "that means Buck will be" and BUCK Stopped him, "Don't even go there brother". I am so glad they are close again. I can remember a day when they were not and it ripped my heart out. I get along with my brothers and sister, but sometimes I really DON'T LIKE THEM!!!!!!! and I am sure they feel the same about me...
I laughed at Buck and Rocky, they went to look at the tractors and could not figure out how to start mine. I had to show them, but then the battery was down on it. So, Larry will have to charge it for me and show me how to hook up the charger (it is a negative charge system).
I had a really good Valentines Day, if you ever want to hide something from me, just leave it in
Well gotta go help someone, will add to or post again later.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
~lots of catching up~
Here is the before and the after... quite a difference... We have new neighbors, just moved in 3 weeks ago. They are really young, just married 10 months, when they came over to introduce themselves, she wanted to know "Does it run", (we were outside in the pout house working on it). I drove it for quite awhile on Sunday, thinking they would get back home and she could see it run, but they came in about 20 minutes after I put it up, it was really getting cold out there. Maybe this weekend she can see it. I know we should have gone over and welcomed them and introduced ourselves, but they had alot of company and they were busy unloading and we did not want to intrude. I was planning to bake something and take over later in the week, no I still have not gotten that done, It is supposed to rain here most all day Saturday, sounds like a good day for baking to me..
I have managed to finish Kelsey's quilt top and do another one out of the Blues and purples in Cember and Gabby's, boy did that turn out pretty. This and Kelsey's is more a lapquilt size, Since Kelsey is only 28 lbs, she would get lost in even a twin size. Then last Saturday, the weather was yucky and I really got bored so I cleaned out the sewing machine drawer, I found a jumpsuit I had cut out many many many years ago, along with the fabric for a blouse to go with it, decided I was apparently not going to sew it up and if I did, I was not going to wear it, so I cut it and the blouse fabric into squares and I am doing a 9 patch quilt top out of it. I will probably finish that one this weekend as well.
If the weather is just semi-yucky on Saturday, I think Larry and I are going junk shopping. We have gotten to where we like to just go dig and look in old flea market type stores, you never know what you will find.. That is where I found a churn and then a jar for it.. Then my SIL does victorian style lamp shades, so we are always finding odd shaped lampshades/frames that she can use for those that we get for a dollar or two for her. Who knows what we may decide to do. Buck and Bruce are getting ready to go to Batesville (about 2 1/2 hours from home) to work for about 6 weeks. They are taking a camper, to save on the living expenses while they are there. Mandy and the girls will go up just about every weekend to clean the camper and do laundry for them. They work 7 12 hour days when they are on these power plant shut down maintenance jobs. They may have 1 or 2 days between jobs. They are currently at White Bluff (30 minutes from home), Bruce is working in the coal yard, so every nite (8 PM) when he gets home, he practically strips outside to keep from tracking the coal dust through the house. That saves alot. He comes home and all you can see on his face is his lips and his eyeballs. Picture the look on Kelsey's face when he came in last nite and spoke to her, she did not know who he was and it upset him because she was scared of him. She knew he sounded like uncle Boo, but he sure did not look like him.
Well gotta go, close out the month at work and get home. Will update more later.